Strategic Plan

Vision Statement

The New Richmond Schools will invest in a learning culture that promotes personalized, adaptable, flexible options to prepare students for the changing needs of the world.

Core Beliefs

We believe...

  • Relationships are foundational to learning.

  • Every student has a unique journey and can learn to succeed.

  • All students can rise to expectations when provided individualized support.

  • Teaching is a shared experience between the teacher, child, and families/support systems.

Strategic Plan

Vision Statement: 

New Richmond Schools will invest in a learning culture that promotes personalized, adaptable, flexible options to prepare students for the changing needs of the world.

Core Beliefs:

    We believe…

  • Relationships are foundational to learning.

  • Every student has a unique journey and can learn to succeed.

  • All students can rise to expectations when provided individualized support.

  • Teaching is a shared experience between the teacher, child, and families/support systems.

Tag Line:

Personalized, Revitalized & Fiscally Grounded







  • Teaching & Learning

  • Professional Development

  • Experiences & Opportunities

  • Training

  • Growth Mindset

  • Instruction

  • Resources

  • Environment

  • Growth Mindset

  • Thinking different about resources and experiences 

  • “How might we” mindset

  • Intentional in our spending decisions based upon data and district needs


  • Effective use of data to improve individual student learning (MAP, HQ Data, etc.)

  • Teacher Evaluation Model is leveraged to grow teachers (growth mindset, reflection etc)

  • Continue and expand social emotional supports for staff and students

  • Strong core individualized instructional techniques

  • Different structure for PD delivery 

  • Standardized curriculum review cycle 

  • Personalized experiences and opportunities to demonstrate student growth

  • Different structure for PD delivery 

  • Positive school climate

  • High school experience that supports multiple pathways to success for students 

  • Defined, working decision framework for program analysis

  • Established relationships to create advocacy opportunities at the state level

  • Positive partnerships with local community and business council to demonstrate positive attributes of our schools - “Business of Schools”


  1. [Yes, Ongoing] Provide professional development for staff on how to utilize MAP data for individual student growth by September 2021.

  2. [Yes, Ongoing] Initiate implementation of OTES 2.0 evaluation process for all licensed staff by September 15, 2021

  3. [Yes, Ongoing] Expand student exposure to career opportunities by May 2022.

  4. [Yes, Ongoing] Identify researched based (best practices) instructional needs and techniques that support personalized learning  by March, 2022 (Director of Curriculum, Principals, and Integrationists.)

  1. [No, Ongoing] Assess and develop a plan to address issues that will establish a positive school/district climate for student achievement by December, 2021.

  2. [Yes, Ongoing] Explore, evaluate and select techniques to provide personalized professional development by May 2022.

  3. [Yes, Initial stages - Ongoing] Determine how to increase the effective use of instructional technology by March, 2022.

  4. [Yes] Develop a curriculum review and adoption cycle to support strong innovative teaching and learning by May 2022. (Director of Curriculum, curriculum leads, etc.)

  1. [Yes] Develop a common understanding of a program analysis decision framework by Spring of 2022.

  2. [Yes, Ongoing] Continue and expand efforts related to growing advocacy at the state level and through professional organizations by Spring of 2022. 

  3. [Yes, Ongoing] Increase engagement with local business owners at the school level by Spring of 2022. 


1a. [Yes, Ongoing] Implement the NWEA-MAP and DIBELS training with HCESC consultant with building administrators, followed by Data Teams at the building level using data beginning in August, 2021. 

1b.  [Yes, Ongoing] After each session related to the use of MAP data, identify and form the Building Data Analysis Teams to be trained to analyze and support the use of the data.

2a. [Yes] Implement the OTES 2.0 Evaluation system, NREVSD Evaluation Handbook, and OTES 2.0 Rubric to all licensed staff.

2b. [Yes, Ongoing] Develop a schedule and professional development plan to train teachers in the OTES 2.0 process (holistic evaluation & personal growth plans) by September 2021.

3a. [No, but carry forward] Create a plan for expanding student exposure to career opportunities by May 2022.

3b. [No] Identify a district team to promote  career exploration K-12 by fall 2021 to include student individual goal setting for career pathways utilizing MAP and other HQ Data. Will be done at the building level

3c. [No] Select a representative to participate on the HCESC Career Leader Council which meets monthly.

4a.  [Yes, Ongoing] Create a plan to define personalized learning in New Richmond Schools by May 2022

(negotiated agreement)

(October / December / March) benchmarks during the year.

4b. [Yes, Ongoing] The Director of Curriculum and Building Principals will meet and identify the instructional needs to support personalized learning in the district by March, 2022.


  1. Provide professional development for staff on how to utilize student achievement data for individual student growth.

  2. Continue the OES evaluation process for all licensed staff annually.

  3. Expand student exposure to career opportunities.

  4. Identify researched based (best practices) instructional needs and techniques that support personalized learning. (Director of Curriculum, Principals, and Integrationists.)

  5. Establish a District-wide Mental Health Committee to establish priorities and needs for mental health support for staff, students, and parents / caregivers.

  1. Assess and develop building specific plans to address issues that will establish a positive school/district climate for student achievement.

  2. Explore, evaluate and select techniques to provide personalized professional development.

  3. Increase the effective use of instructional technology and begin implementation of Interactive Boards

  1. Continue utilizing a program analysis decision framework.

  2. Continue and expand efforts related to growing advocacy at the state level and through professional organizations.

  3. Increase engagement with local business owners at the school level 


1a. Continue to develop the student achievement data analysis skills with consultant(s) and building leadership.

1b.  Develop the skills of the Building Data Analysis Teams to train and support others in the analysis and use of student achievement data.

2b. Continue to provide professional development to train teachers in the OES process (holistic evaluation & personal growth plans).

3. Identify a District or Building Level Team to create a plan for expanding student exposure to career opportunities to promote career exploration K-12.

4. The Director of Curriculum and Building Principals will meet and identify the instructional needs to support personalized learning in the district.

5a. The Mental Health Committee will survey stakeholders, collect and analyze data and establish priorities and needs for mental health support for staff, students, and parents / caregivers. 


5b. The Mental Health Committee will create a partnership with the 1N5 organization to collect and analyze data related to the determination of needs in the district. [Complete]

5c. The Building Mental Health Committees will meet with 1N5 and review the building data and begin to consider needs to return to the District Committee for strategies.

5d. The Mental Health Committee will create and implement strategies to heighten the awareness of and support needed for staff, students, parents and caregivers.

1a. Administer climate surveys with all staff and appropriate students.

1b.Analyze the survey results and create and implement a plan to support the areas of need for a positive school climate in each building/department

1c. Schedule professional development meeting(s) and discussions with principals to understand the impact of school climate on student achievement, and also at the building level.

2a. Continue with work of district-wide team (DLT) to explore options for personalizing professional development.

2b. DLT to select the initial methods to provide personalized PD [Complete]

2c.  Implement selected options starting in the fall of 2022. [Complete]

3a.[No, Revise] (Survey in the future, not now. Still implementing new technology

3b [No, Revise] Create and implement a plan to connect with each licensed teacher to support their instructional technology skills regarding Interactive Boards.

3c. Interactive Displays purchased for every classroom for the 2022-23 schools year and installed in a timely manner. (Replacing old SmartBoards)


3d. Provide Professional Development for all teachers via district or vendor Interactive.

1a Continue utilizing a program analysis decision framework.

1b. Select and adopt a decision making framework to drive program analysis by May, 2022. Completed

2a. Superintendent, Treasurer, Public Relations Coordinator meet with school board members to discuss actions they can utilize to help increase advocacy.

2b. [No] Create a list of best actions to be enacted to ensure New Richmond Schools  advocate for support to meet the needs of students and staff.

3a. Identify and engage with local business owners to begin school-business partnerships by spring 2022.

3b. Connect the school-business partnerships to the efforts of the career exploration team.

3c. Buildings will share plans for career exploration activities - NRMS Career Day - NRHS Pre-Apprenticeship - Elementary Career Days